Creating user or group

To create new users and groups, select Settings Menu, Users.

On the left-hand panel, click on “+ New user” to add a new user.

When creating user, enter Username, Display Name, Password, Email address and set appropriate other settings.

Note: Once created, you cannot change the “Username”.

You can create user in two ways:

  • Set Username, Password and others. A Welcome Email will be sent to the user if email field is provided. You would provide the login password to the user separately.
  • Set Username, Email and others but without Password. A Welcome Email will be sent to the user with a URL link to set password.

Note: Email server setting for Nextcloud need to be setup and working    

Note: Once created, you cannot change the “Username”.

To create a new group, use the “+ Add group” link and enter the group name accordingly.
Note: Once created, you cannot change the group name.