Accessing your files with web browser

You can access your files by selecting the “Files” App on the top menu. The following diagram shows the interface and the various information you can see.

  • (1) New Button: Enable to create new file and folder or upload files.
  • (2) App Information: Various ways to access your files.
  • (3) Sharing: Bring out the sharing menu on the righthand side.
  • (4) Action: Perform various actions on the item like get details, rename, delete, copy, move, download…etc.
  • (5) Settings Menu: change settings for Files App
  • (6) Folder shared to you: a folder shared to you through Group Folder App
  • (7) Folder shared to you: a folder shared to you by another user
  • (8) File shared to you: a file shared to you by another user
  • (9) Shared file: a file that you have shared to others
Note: Big file upload may need adjustment on server setting to support it.  Please contact support if needed.